Mission statement

To bring to market products and information of the highest standard—a standard worthy of the legacy and memory of the great Ayurvedic physicians who dedicated their lives to healing their patients and growing Ayurveda. With this dedication to quality, learning and growth, PhytoVedic can give health professionals the tools to safely and affordable help any patient who seeks them out.


Neelam Toprani created PhytoVedic in order to bring quality-control tested, concentrated traditional Ayurvedic medicines to health professionals. Neelam conducts Vedic Science research as a Research Associate with the Harvard Branch of the World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE).

PhytoVedic’s research and development team works closely with various prestigious universities and private research institutions to validate the safety and the effectiveness of PhytoVedic Ayurvedic formulas.

Our team includes:

  • research scientists
  • Traditional Vaidyas
  • Quality Assurance teams in both India and Canada